2nd Semester Schedule Delivery 1439-40

Dates for 2nd Semester Registration and Handling 1439-40

The Deanship of Admissions and Registration is pleased to announce the registration and handling process for the 2nd semester of the 1439-40 academic year in accord with the following dates:

  Students who are expected to graduate (1436 AH batch and less including internal visitor students) will be

from 27/04/1440 AH to 28/04/1440 AH.

  Other students including internal visitor students will be

from 29/04/1440 AH to 02/05/1440 AH.

  Requests through the Tawasol service (adding or dropping a course) will begin on

03/05/1440 AH and end on 05/05/1440 AH.

  Receiving external visitor students' requests will be

from 30/04/1440 AH to 03/05/1440 AH.

  Visitor students to another university will be

from 01/03/1440 AH to 04/05/1440 AH.

  Internal change and changing specialization from one college to another will be 

from 23/04/1440 AH to 26/04/1440 AH.

  External change including transferring from another university to King Khalid University will be 

from 14/03/1440 AH to 25/04/1440 AH.

To view all the details and information, please click here.
