51 Training and Volunteer Programs

King Khalid University - Media Center


Community service and outreach is a central function of institutions of higher learning throughout the Kingdom. Under the leadership of King Khalid University Rector, Prof. Falleh R. M. Al-Solamy, the supervision of Academic Development and Quality Vice Rector, Dr. Merzin Al-Shahrani, and the planning and hard work of Community Service and Continuing Education Dean, Dr. Omar Aqeel, King Khalid University is at the forefront for community service activities. The Deanship of Community Service and Continuing Education at King Khalid University concluded the first-semester activity programs for the 1439-40 academic year. 21 training programs with over 760 participants highlighted the activities. Dean Aqeel noted that these programs are designed to help meet the needs of the labor market in accordance with the 4th strategic goal of Vision 2030. He said: 'Increasing the employment rate within the Kingdom is critical. Enhanced labor participation through higher education and training programs is a fundamental goal. Achieving this will improve the economy, lead to greater productivity, and will inure to the benefit of everyone in our society'. He further noted that vocational training would be exceptionally helpful for the younger generation who will be entering the labor market in large numbers in the coming years.


Dean Aqeel stressed that volunteer work especially that which gives time, energy, and expertise to others, is a hallmark of the most advanced societies and the pinnacle of human development. 'Our work is founded upon clearly delineated goals and values and is closely supervised. This will ensure that our projects will remain focused, effective, and immune to potential misuse', said Dr. Aqeel. He then explained that our 10-program/100-volunteer Bader Initiative is linked to the 2020 National Transformation Program through the 5th strategic goal. This encourages volunteer work in conjunction with nonprofit organizations. He then highlighted that 20 community partnership programs were formed that benefitted approximately 6,000. These programs require creativity, personal sacrifice, and hard work; all of which must be maintained under the penumbra of our core values that make the Kingdom what it is today.


Dean Aqeel added that the Deanship offered a number of critical need advanced diploma programs, noting that 6 programs were rolled-out last semester with approximately 300 participants. These programs were designed in accord with the lauded goals as set forth in the 2020 National Transformation Program and Vision 2030.


Through a variety of programs, the Deanship of Community Service and Continuing Education is raising the skills and capabilities of the general public. By encouraging communication and developing partnerships among various entities across the Kingdom, the university is also creating synergies among the various stakeholders leading to exponential improvements within our schools and our communities.

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