E-learning Statistics

KKU - Media Center

The E-learning Deanship at King Khalid University continues to provide its educational electronic services, with a total of 10146 virtual lectures and 11715 recorded lectures, during the seventh week of the second semester of 1442 AH.


The Dean of E-learning Deanship, Dr. Nayef Jabali, explained that the Deanship held and supervised the following:


  • Held two training courses for faculty members entitled "Creating Educational Infographics" and "Teaching Language Skills."


  • Virtually supervised an awareness meeting between the Ministries of Education and Islamic Affairs, and the Presidency of State Security.


  • Held a symposium about deeper learning.


  • Held a forum for Saudi universities' student clubs .


On the technical support part, the Deanship offered 562 support services through phone calls, Whatsapp, Twitter, office support, direct technical support, emails and live chats, with an overall of 74% faculty support and 36% student support.


Of note, a total of 177,079 users signed in to the Blackboard services.

University news
News of the Deanships