The University Holds : 2030 Initiatives Design and Plan Program

king Khalid university - media center

King Khalid University, represented by the  2030 Vision  Achievement Office in cooperation with the Deanship of the Human Resources, recently organized a program entitled ‘’ The 2030 initiatives Design and Plan program  in light of the Kingdoms 2030 vision and executive programs.

The  program targets the university faculty members and employees and  aims to define the kingdom’s vision and executive programs in addition to  the approaches to planning  and designing  initiatives that align  with the goals of the kingdom’s vision.

The supervisor of the office, Dr. Ali bin Hussain Al-Ameer, explained that the program aims to develop the role of the university in spreading the culture of   kingdom’s vision, as well as contributing to growth of  employee skills  allowing them to take part in the design and plan of the university initiatives to achieve the university  strategic goals to achieve desired outcomes. 


University news