FIRST: The Conditions and Controls:
1. The student is allowed to use the mobile phone (and other smart devices with cameras) superficially; which means (not directed towards others), in the case of need for communication or the need to browse an educational system such as Blackboard, academia and other educational systems).
2. It is strictly prohibited to take out the camera phone (and other smart devices with cameras) from the bag during or inside the following: the classrooms, labs, laboratories, theater, praying, library or any activity of extra-curricular.
3. It is strictly prohibited to record theoretical and practical lectures, as well as to play music or anything that might violate the academic environment.
4. It is strictly prohibited to point a camera mobile phone (and other smart devices with cameras) vertically towards other students inside the campus buildings, facilities and corridors especially in outdoor squares, restrooms, buffets, and toilets.
5. It is strictly prohibited to violate or to try to violate the privacy of the college, its female employees, its students and its visitors by filming them. This includes photographing the student herself or photographing another student even with her permission or not by using any kind of smartphone applications like Snapchat, WhatsApp.
SECOND: The Penalties for any Misuse (Violating the conditions No.2, No3, No.4, and No5)
* The student must hand over the mobile immediately (or the smart device with a camera) to the responsible security employee and then it will be handed over to the dean / vice-dean or chairwomen of the Student Affairs Committee regardless of whether the filming or photographing was done or not. After that, the student will be referred to the disciplinary committee of the College to take formal action, which may include suspension from the college. The smart device with a camera will be handed over to the guardian after the investigation.
* If necessary, the matter will be referred to the competent security and judicial authorities to take the necessary action as the case will be treated as an informational crime.
This policy helps in setting the conditions, principles and rules that must to be followed and must be committed to their requirements while preparing materials that will be displayed and published on the electronic website.
The policy includes the following:
General conditions and principles.
Rules of posting texts content.
Rules of posting images.
Rules of posting links.
Rules of posting English content.
Content and easiness of search.
Rules of posting of publications.
First, general conditions and principles:
Attention to the quality of published materials in terms of the goodness of wording, the organization of ideas and the smoothness of expression.
The content should follow the regulations of the website and of the rules of the country.
The content should not expose the privacies of the others.
Making sure the content does not have any grammatical or language errors.
Formatting the content to look properly in terms of consistency, arrangement and appearance.
Archiving and keeping the data and the information saved on the website, to make them readily available for use when necessary.
The content must not contradict with the regulations of religion and that of the government, or the adopted policies of the University, and or of the country, or of other supervising authorities of information technology.
Second, posting rules of content texts:
The first page must include a title that attracts the readers and which makes them understand the subject.
The text should use main heading and subheadings, showing clear distinction between them.
The text should not over-use different types of fonts; should concentrate only on the use of two fonts, or just one.
Checking the correctness of the text to ensure it is free from grammatical and language errors.
The text should be short in presenting the ideas.
As much as possible, a page should not include more than one subject.
Summarizing the subject and putting the main ideas at the beginning in order to give opportunity for users who do not read in details.
Highlighting the important information with a mark e.g title, list etc.. and making them easy to find by users.
Third, posting rules of images:
Attention to the quality and artistic presentation of the image and its element of attraction.
Adjusting the sizes of the image as required.
The image must be appropriate and expressive of the topic.
Using text in the images that include diagrams, graphics and illustrations.
The published image should adhere to the Islamic law and to the country's regulations and to the rules of politeness.
Forth, posting rules of links:
Use effective links and do not hyperlink a full phrase or a sentence, but only highlight the part which leads to a page or a document. This will help the users to determine, depending on their needs on clicking the link or not.
All links in the content must work without any problems.
The link must include information about its type like, (PDF, WORD) and whether it refers to another page or website.
The link must not refer to unknown websites. The websites must be governmental or authorized.
All links must include content, hence must not be empty.
Fifth, Posting rules of English content:
The English content on the website must match the Arabic content in terms of content and organization.
The translation of scientific terminology must be certified, and there must be a specialized team for translating and proofreading.
Sixth, the content and easiness of search:
Use a variety of commonly used words to raise the search possibilities on the content.
The title of the content must be clear and as detailed as possible, in order to facilitate the search within the website, as well as in the external search engines like, Google and Yahoo.
Seventh, posting rules of publishing:
The content must be reviewed and proofread before publishing it.
The content must be approved by the competent authority before publishing it.
The content must be published rapidly (as soon as possible), so as to coincide with the actual event.
The published materials must be arranged according to the date of publication.
The copyright and intellectual property rights must be considered.
To view or download the Directory of Student Rights and Duties click here
The General Administration of Cybersecurity at King Khalid University notes the necessity of obtaining prior official approval and permission from the designated authority before examining or performing any test for electronic services or network. If found otherwise, it is considered a violation of the laws and exposes whomever responsible to legal accountability.
According to the Saudi Cyber Crimes Law, note the following:
1- Intentional access to a computer, website, information system, or computer network that you are not authorized to access is considered a violation of the laws and exposes you to a penalty of imprisonment for a period not exceeding ten years and a fine not exceeding five million riyals, or one of these two penalties.
2- Eavesdropping on what is sent via the information network or a computer - without a valid legal justification - or capturing or intercepting it is considered a legal violation according to the Anti-Cybercrime Law and exposes you to a penalty of imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year and a fine not exceeding five hundred thousand riyals. Or one of these two penalties in accordance with the Anti-Cybercrime Law.
3- access (without proper legal justification) to personal, banking, credit data, or data related to the ownership of securities in order to obtain data, information, money, or the services they provide is considered a crime and exposes you to a penalty of imprisonment for a period not exceeding three years and a fine not exceeding two million riyals, or one of these two penalties.
4- Stopping the network, disabling it, destroying or recording the programs or data present or used in it or deleting, leaking, destroying, or modifying it is considered a violation and exposes you to a penalty of imprisonment for a period not exceeding four years and a fine not exceeding Three million riyals, or one of these two penalties in accordance with the Anti-Cybercrime Law.
5- illegal access to a website or service related to King Khalid University, to change the design of this website, damage it, modify it, occupy its address, impede access to the service, confuse it, or disable it by any means is considered a cybercrime and exposes you to imprisonment for a period not exceeding four years and a fine not exceeding three million riyals, or one of these two penalties in accordance with the Anti-Cybercrime Law.
6- Defaming others, and causing harm to them, through various means of information technology is a crime and exposes you to a penalty of imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year and a fine not exceeding five hundred thousand riyals, or one of these two penalties in accordance with the system for combating information crimes.
7- Legal or illegal access to King Khalid University systems to threaten or blackmail a person; To force him/her to do or abstain from doing an act, even if doing or abstaining from that act is lawful, it is considered a crime and exposes you to a penalty of imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year and a fine not exceeding five hundred thousand riyals, or one of these two penalties.
8- Infringing on private life by misusing data resulting from your legal or illegal access to university systems is considered a crime and exposes you to a penalty of imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year and a fine not exceeding five hundred thousand riyals, or one of these two penalties.
9- illegal access to the systems or websites of King Khalid University directly, or through the information network, or one of the computers to obtain data affecting the internal or external security of the state, or its national economy is considered a crime and exposes you to a penalty of imprisonment for a period not exceeding ten years and a fine not more than five million riyals, or one of these two penalties.
To contact the General Administration of Cybersecurity
Phone number: 0172416665
To view the rules and regulations of the portal’s services (click here)
To view the rules and regulations of organizing university events (click here)
To view the rules and regulations intern doctors training implemented by the College of Medicine (click here)
To view the rules and regulations of faculty members’ attending and participating in scientific meetings (click here)
To view the rules, regulations and conditions for the King Khalid University Excellence Award nomination (click here)
To view the rules and regulations of academic leadership nominations (click here)
To view the rules and regulations of studies and tests for undergraduates (click here)
To view the unified rules and regulations of postgraduate studies (click here)