Educational Program

85 lectures within the activities of the University 5th educational program in Alharidh

King Khalid University is organizing these days the 5th educational health program which takes place in Alharidh province from 8 to 13 of the current month.

University to launch its 5th health, educational, and awareness program in Al Huriadh Province.

Under the auspices of His Royal Highness the Governor of Asir Region, Prince Faisal bin Khalid, King Khalid University (KKU) intends to launch the activities of the 5th health, educational, and awareness program.

Introductory and training lectures for females in the university program.

The third day of the King Khalid University's fourth health, educational, and awareness program, which is being held in Thrban Center in the province of Majardh, witnessed the continuation of its activities.

Faculty of Languages and Translation Conducts Three Training Courses for Teachers of English in Different Education Stages

The Faculty of Languages and Translation of King Khalid University conducted three training courses, within the activities of the university's fourth health, educational, and awareness program which is being held in th

University holds more than 35 awareness lectures within its program in Majardh.

Within the activities of King Khalid University's fourth health, educational, and Awareness program, which is taking place at Thrban Center in Majardh province, more than 35 lectures have been conducted in mosques, in a num

More than 1161 patients, and 5629 lab examinations within the university program in Majardh

The number of patients, who have visited the fourth health, awareness, and educational program that is being hosted by King Khalid University in Majardh Province has reached more than 1160 persons.

An attached announcement for registration in Educational Diplomas

Community Service and Continuing Education Deanship announces the possibility of General Diploma registration in education (evening session) for female students in Sarat Abidah in the following specializations:

The start of the 2nd educational program at Tathleeth on Sunday...

The activities of the second health, awareness, and educational program were launched under the patronage of His Royal Highness, Prince Faisal Bin Khalid Bin Abdul Aziz.
