
Academic Development and Quality training 289 faculty members.

The Deanship of Academic Development and Quality of King Khalid University (KKU) has implemented a training program.

University continues to develop the skills of its faculty members.

The Vice - Presidency for Development and Quality of King Khalid University has conducted a training course for a number of teaching staff.

"Indexing and e-archiving systems" workshop at the University.

King Khalid University Vice - President for Development and Quality, Dr. Ahmed Yahya Aljbaili has reported that the Archive section in each governmental entity is considered a terrible burden on governmental entities.

University Development and Quality holds 4 training courses for its employees in Turkey.

The Vice - Presidency for Development and Quality of King Khalid University held 4 training workshops which took place in Turkey, targeting the training of 80 members of the leadership and moderators of the university.

College of Education of the University supercedes in quality.

In a study entitled "Quality Standards in Teaching Performance"

College of Education of the University supersedes in the field of quality.

Development and Quality is training more than 2147 employees.

Deanship of Development and Quality of King Khalid University has issued its first annual report for programs and training courses. The report showed intention to train more than 2147 trainees.
