King Khalid University

The university rector stresses the need to ‘test’ the new buildings to ensure their safety

أكد معالي مدير جامعة الملك خالد الأستاذ الدكتور فالح بن رجاءالله السلمي على ضرورة اختبار مباني كليتي الاقتصاد والمجتمع الجديدة بطريق الملك عبد الله ، ومدى جاهزيتها قبل انتقال الطالبات لها بداية العام الدراسي القادم ، وذلك لضمان سلامة الط

The university president urges to speed up the transfer of a number of female colleges

His Excellency the president of King Khalid University (KKU), Prof. Dr.

The Deanship of Admission and Registration provides 270 electronic in the University.h The Dean of Admissions and Registration at King Khalid University (KKU) Dr. Sultan Al Farah, has explained that the Deanship had launched a number of electronic services in preparation for the new academic year. المزيد
1st International Educational Conference.

The College of Education at King Khalid University is going to hold the 1st international educational conference entitled 'Teacher and Knowledge Era: Opportunities and Challenges: Regenerated Teacher for a Changing W

The Rector inaugurates the initiative of educational data analysis at e-learning.

His Excellency, the Rector of King Khalid University (KKU) Prof. Dr. Falleh bin Raja Allah Al Solamy, has, on Monday morning, inanaugrated the educational data analysis at deanship of e-learning.

International Conference on 'Arabic Language and Literary Text'

International Conference on 'Arabic Language and Literary Text'

The University President receives Bisha University President

His Excellency, the President of King Khalid University (KKU), Prof. Dr.

Announcement of admission and registration for the academic year 1437 / 38 AH.

Admission and Registration Deanship of King Khalid University announces registration and acceptance dates for the academic year 1437 / 1438 AH.

Rector launches intellectual awareness unit in the awareness camp in Abha

Within the summer events in Abha for the current year - 1437 AH -  His Excellency, the Rector of King Khalid University (KKU), Prof. Dr.

Names of employees who are expecting promotion in 1437 AH

Names of employees (Male and female) who are expecting promotion in 1437 AH.

Due to the start of preparation for promotion exercises, we enclose herewith the names of male and female candidates.
