Advancement at the Arab level

Ranking web

Webmatrix, the Spanish site, classifies the University the first place among Arab universities in Excellence

Source :  King Khalid University, Media Center

King Khalid University has achieved a paradigm shift compared with the previous year, to move forward 1464 places of the world, which has enabled it to occupy the fifth place between the Saudi universities and the eighteenth on the Arab universities.

In the grade of Excellence - a part of the four grades of evaluation - the University achieved the first place at the level of Arab Universities. Excellence is one of the grades of evaluation, which focuses on the side of the researches published in the websites and academic papers that have been published in magazines and scientific journals with international influence. This was announced through the Spanish website, Webmatrix, during the current month of August (2014). The site is handling a periodical evaluation for more than 12 thousand universities worldwide.

It should be noted that the world site's, (Webmatrix), classifications which depend on the websites of the universities, especially what those universities offer with respect to the size of content, and vision as well as the impact of those publications on the internet, are yet to be analyzed according to the research of the National Council for Spanish Research in Madrid.
