A workshop to introduce the uses of the university e-mail

King Khalid University, IT Directorate

The Faculty of Humanities, in collaboration with the General Directorate of Information Technology (IT), has organized a workshop for introducing the uses of the e-mail system through the official mail of the University. The workshop was held over two days.

The workshop addressed topics such as the role of e-mail at the facility and the speed of communication, follow-up administrative transactions and workflow procedures within the administrative and scientific college system. The workshop witnessed establishing mailing groups for various college departments, according to the administrative restructuring of the college to facilitate the electronic communication process.

Also, the workshop included a practical application of the mechanism of activating the service on smart devices for the trainees, in addition to activating groups and members for the sake of official correspondence service within the university website and the use of the official e-mail of the University @kku.edu.sa.

The workshop comes as part of the initiatives of "a paperless university." Moreover, the workshop is the first of its topic, and hopefully, it will be a light for many future training workshops, in cooperation with the relevant authorities, to serve all university employees in the technical field.

University news