Admission to Graduate Programs for the Academic Year 1443Ah

King Khalid University Media and Communications



The Deanship of Admission at King Khalid University, announced the admission dates for the (non-fee) post graduate programs, for both the masters and PhD levels for the academic year 1443Ah.

The Dean of the Deanship of Postgraduate Studies  at the University, Prof. Dr. Ahmed bin Yahya Al Faie, explained that the admission will be through the university portal (click here ) starting Sunday 21st  Rabi ’al-Akhir and will continue  to the evening of Saturday 11 Jumada al-Awwal.

Al-Faei, called on all those wishing to apply to the programs to view the  information and conditions (click here ). Adding that the admission to fee -programs are to be announced in the month of Rajab 1442Ah.

University news
News of the Deanships