
The University starts 5 new scientific magazines


King Khalid University, Media Center

The University launches its new portal using a new system, Drupal

King Khalid University, Media Center

Training courses on how to use the library databases

In cooperation with the Saudi Digital Library, the Deanship of Library Affairs is holding a number of training courses on how to use the library databases. 
The training courses will be as follows:

187 posts in the conclusion of the Competitive Forum at the University

The University Journal of Islamic Science Receiving Scientific Research

King Khalid University Journal of Islamic Sciences and Studies starts receiving the scientific research from this Sunday 01/05/1435 AH via this e-mail: almajallah@ kku.edu.sa

Names of those who are initially admitted to be interviewed for teaching jobs

Names of those who are initially admitted to enter the personal interview for teaching  jobs 

King Khalid University announces the names of students admitted initially to enter the personal intervi

Academic vacancies for the academic year 1435-1436 AH

King Khalid University announces academic vacancies in the following

colleges and specialization - for the academic year 1435-1436 AH:

The College Name

Names of the candidates for Scholarship interviews for King Khalid University Hospital

Names of the candidates for Scholarship interview for King Khalid University Hospital
Date and place of the interviews :

Men :

Update data related to the students(male-female) of Educational Diploma

King Khalid University is pleased to announce to all the students who were given the opportunity to obtain a diploma in education during the following years: 

Starting Receiving researchers' posts in the 10th annual Scientific Research Day 1435AH.
The Deanship of Scientific Research announces the beginning of receiving the abstracts of papers submitted by KKU staff members  and post graduate students for the 10th Annual Scientific research Day, 2014.