Schedule Handling

The university announces the dates of schedules and handling them electronically King Khalid University, represented by the Deanship of Admission and Registration, announced the dates of issuing and handling schedules electronically on Academia Portal such as, (course deletion service, course addition service, and internal and external visitors' services) for the first semester of the next academic year 1443 AH المزيد
Dates of Handling Schedules


Registration and Handling Dates for the Fall 1440-41 AH Semester


2nd Semester Schedule Delivery 1439-40

Dates for 2nd Semester Registration and Handling 1439-40

The Deanship of Admissions and Registration is pleased to announce the registration and handling process for the 2nd semester of the 1439-

Dates for 1st Semester Registration and Handling 1439/40 AH

The Deanship of Admission and Registration is announcing the registration and handling process for the 1st semester of academic year 1439/40 AH in accord with the following dates:

Schedules of Postgraduate Students

The Deanship of Graduate Studies has published the schedules of masters and doctorate programs on Thursday 23/12/1438 AH. Postgraduate students have been notified of that through SMS messages. 

The University is Announcing the Dates of Handling 1st Semester Schedules for Students

King Khalid University (KKU) represented by the Admission and Registration Deanship, is announcing the dates of handling schedules for all students in KKU branches, as well as the dates of registration for students from other univer

Schedule Handling for the Second Semester 1437-38




The university is announcing the dates of handling schedules for students.

King Khalid University (KKU) represented by Admission and Registration Deanship, is announcing the dates of handling schedules for all students in KKU branches, as well as the dates of registration for students from other univ

The beginning of schedules handling...

The beginning of schedules handling for the 1st academic year 1437/38 AH                     
