Supplementary Bachelor

Supplementary Bachelor Test Dates


The Deanship of Admissions and Registration is announcing the test dates and locations for the first semester of Supplementary Bachelors in the 1441 AH academic year.


Dates and Places of Supplementary Bachelor Tests

Computer Science 

Male Candidates for Computer Science

Supplementary Bachelor Announcement

Supplementary Bachelor Announcement for the 2nd semester of academic year 1439/40 AH

The Admissions and Registration Deanship is pleased to announce the commencement of admissions to the supplementary Bachel

Supplementary Bachelor Test Dates

Test Dates for the College of Administrative and Financial Science: Business Administration - Accounting 

Supplementary Bachelor Test Dates

Test Dates for the College of Administrative and Financial Science: Business Administration - Accounting 

Supplementary Bachelor Announcement

The Admission and Registration Deanship announces the commencement of the admission to the supplementary Bachelor for the alumni and alumnae who have parallel specializations in the community colleges of King Khalid University (KKU)

The University starts receiving applications for Supplementary Bachelor

King Khalid University represented by the Deanship of Admission and Registration starts receiving the applications of supplementary  bachelor for the alumni and alumnae who have parallel specializations in the community colleges of

Start receiving applications for Supplementary Bachelor

Starting applying to the supplementary Bachelor for the alumni and alumnae of Community Colleges

The Admission and Registration Deanship has announced the  commencement of the admission to the supplementary Bachel
